1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
1998-I was on the last 1/2 of a stretch with Piper Jaffary, a brockerage firm in Mpls. I was in mail services running mass mailing machines and delivering the Wall Street Journals to the Stock Floor in the am. . . I called that particular activity, Chumming the Sharks. I dyed my hair apple green and fuscia just to see if I would get in trouble, and my boss bought me a company hat to wear at work. I moved into a room in a house, and got hired to Nanny her kids. That was the end of my blue collar world, and the beginning of my jewelry phase. Similar to beading in a way, and it is the thread that brought me to Brenda, I met her when I came to her store to consign some of my jewelry there many many moons ago.
2. 5 things on today's to-do list:
1. Work a 5-9:30 closing shift at The Wedge. I am a cashier.
2. Fiddle around with my bike chain to see if I can fix it rather than take it in to be repaired.
3. Clean out my all my pantries, and organize recycling
4.See if I can get all this posted, and practice the blogging thing. I lost the one I started at the begining of BJP-This is a new one, and it seems to be staying where I left it, yay I will get the hang of this yet!
5. Bead. Nap. Cats woke me up at 5am, will have to have a nap if I am closing tonight, have to be alert with everybody elses $$$ all night.
3. Snacks I enjoy:
Well,...I work at the Wedge-largest community coop in the states. I am surrounded by exotic and decadent snacks, and am encouraged as any employee to "eat my way through the store" as part of product recognition and knowledge etc. I've been there 1.5 years now. My favorites: dried mangoes, yogert covered pretzels, Ginger Chews, roqufort on Cheeze Its, silly sundaes(bulk nuts and fruits on ice cream), Elvis smoothy( banana, paenut butter, chocolate)
4. Things I'd do if I were a billionnaire!
Buy an imac!
Pretty much the same dream I have, get some land, get a yurt, make art and gardens, live simplely, and travel. MIllions would just expand it, more land, wind farming, habitat protection, hire people to expedite for me, get two yurts, make art, build a labrynth and a fairy village in the gardens, live simply, travel more,... probably would indulge in some Gypsy Vanners, and build my own caravan.
5 . Places I have lived:
Minnesota, Alabama, New York, Kansas, Colorado, California, North Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin.
6. Jobs I've had paid:
Cashier- Wedge, Pink Moon Hallow, convenience stores.
Grader/Intrnal Defects-USDA
Face Painter/Fortune Teller-Happy Faces Entertainment
Pet Sitter/Dog Walker
Activities Coordinator/Art Camps-Park and Rec
Mail Services-Piper Jaffary
Countless waitress, janitorial, and food packaging jobs, a 5 year stretch managing a Shipping dept. (no more management for me-kills my artist life) and my first job, in a vet clinic.
6. Peeps I want to know more about:
Have already been tagged! Fun browsing everyones sites!